CEO Development

CEOs get paid to create problems for their people to solve. Great managers are paid to solve problems. Managers that do not make the transition from problem solver to problem creator will be overwhelmed with putting out fires. As a result, it becomes increasingly difficult to implement their greatest ideas.

However, the future success of an organization often depends on disruptive initiatives that drive new revenues and position the organization as a market leader. Yet, many leaders hesitate to implement them. Why? They think their people will not understand it, the initiative will be too disruptive or it is just not the right time.

To mitigate those issues, some companies resort to command and control tactics. Unfortunately, command and control have minimal impact with the knowledge workers of today. Instead of command and control, CEOs need a bridge between initiatives that may disrupt the existing business model and staff and management’s resistance. Without it, CEOs and Board members could be left with status quo or the daunting statistic of 70% of CEO initiatives fail.

TIP has created the Disruptive Leadership Model™. Through it, CEOs, Division Heads and Board Members learn to navigate themselves and their enterprise through disruptive initiatives. Leaders develop the skills, competencies and mindset which is appropriate for finding opportunities in economic crises or implementing new business models that give them a competitive edge.

While it is important for leaders to navigate through disruption to drive innovation, once the Disruptive Leadership Model™ is infused into the DNA of corporate culture, the entire organization becomes more effective at creating and effectively executing innovations that create new revenue streams or market leadership.

To enhance CEO development, TIP works as a trusted advisor to the CEO and Board to create long and short-term strategies. To ensure success, we work closely with the CEO during execution of those strategies. We also help the CEO identify which roles and responsibilities are important for him or her. In some cases, he or she will function as a coach to staff and management. In other cases, roll up your sleeve participation is appropriate. As a result of clarity of roles, the CEO can focus on doing what he or she does best. More importantly, they are able to explore the burning question: What¹s possible beyond goals and objectives?

Disruptive Leadership Model™

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Turnaround Investment Partners, Inc.
230 Park Avenue, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10169

Telephone : (888) 471-3660